
Sunday 8 September 2024

BEST AND WORST NEW TRACKS OF THE FORTNIGHT 08/09/2024: A$AP Rocky, The Smile, Coldplay and more...

Strange music videos and weird collaborations make up this fortnight’s selection of songs. Artists featured this week include A$AP Rocky, The Smile, Own Devices, OOF, Emmeline, Emm, Vision Video and Coldplay.


‘Tailor Swif’ – A$AP Rocky

Filmed in Kyiv two months before the Russian invasion and ending rather untastefully with an explosion, it’s understandable as to why Rocky has delayed releasing this music video. But given that the Ukraine war isn’t ending any time soon, I guess he decided he had to drop this now or never. And I’m glad it’s seen the light of day – A$AP Rocky has produced some pretty insane music videos over the years, but this is on another level. In fact, it’s easily the most detailed and surreal music video I’ve ever seen. Using a large ensemble of diverse actors, a range of gritty locations and finally some good use of generative AI, the video plays out like a trippy fever dream, packing in more bizarre visual moments that my brain is able to keep up with (even after repeat watches). What about the song itself? Eh, it’s okay. 2014 me would have been outraged by the idea of sharing a mediocre song just because it has a cool video, but I feel like this video is such an artistic feat that I’m willing to make a sole exception here.

‘Zero Sum’ – The Smile

There’s currently a cranefly bouncing around my living room ceiling with its legs going everywhere, and it’s the perfect visual accompaniment to this song’s squirming guitars. I love how this riff is all over the place. And yet the funky percussion holds it together. The Smile - the side project of Radiohead members Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood, with jazz percussionist Tom Skinner joining them on drums - have released a couple new singles, but this is my favourite due to how unusual it is.

‘Blue Light’ – Own Devices

This UK music collective formed by Daniel Bond and Tarik Khan combine psych rock, indie and r&b. Their single ‘Blue Light’ is full of fun details. I’m particularly loving the slinky bass guitar, the weird whispered ‘place to be’ part in the middle, and the gorgeous arpeggiated guitar outro.

‘Even My Therapist Wants To Be An Artist’ - OOF

New York skronky post-punk band OOF - who I’ve interviewed on this blog - have released a new EP titled Mirror Mirror. This is the opening track and it’s about how even the most unlikely people have an in innate desire to create art. Even George Bush. Even Koko the Gorilla.

‘Woman Photographer Of The Year’ – Emmeline

West-Yorkshire-born/ London-based artist Emmeline’s new single ‘Woman Photographer Of The Year’ is a blend of slam poetry and hip hop. It gains its rhythm once the boom bap beat comes in, but I quite like how it starts and ends feeling loose and experimental.

‘Eat My Acid’ – Emm

Emm (not to be confused with previous artist Emmeline) is an LA producer and singer-songwriter. ‘Eat My Acid’ sees her singing sinisterly over slimy bass while covered in sludge. Most of the track is pretty harsh, but it gets surprisingly melodic towards the end. It comes off her new album Black Diamond.

‘Balaclava Kiss’ – Vision Video

Last but not least in this week’s best tracks, we have this new single ‘Balaclava Kiss’ from goth rock band Vision Video. The driving bass riff and hi-octane guitars hooked me straight away, but that belter of a chorus is what truly sold me: the guitars turn euphoric, some speedy cymbals enter the mix and both vocalists roar catchy soaring melodies back and forth over the top.


‘We Pray’ – Coldplay ft. Little Simz & Burna Boy

I love it when an unlikely combo works. Sadly, this doesn’t work. It feels like all three artists are trying to take on a style of music that isn’t suited to them: it’s too urban for Coldplay, too poppy for Little Simz and too operatic for Burna Boy.