Wednesday, 20 May 2015

BEST AND WORST NEW TRACKS OF THE WEEK 20/05/2015: Lunchmoney Lewis, Yung Lean, Iggy Azalea and more...

You know the drill. I listen to a load of songs from the last seven days and pick out my favourites and least favourites. This week Lunchmoney Lewis, Yung Lean and Iggy Azalea make the cut.


‘Bills’ - Lunchmoney Lewis

This might just be the most upbeat pop song about being broke that I’ve ever heard. Not that there are many pop songs about being broke – part of what makes this track so fresh for a radio single. My only qualm is the music video – he sings ‘stubbed my toe on the edge of the bed’ whilst tripping over a toolbox.

‘Obstinate’ - Packwood

A dude named Vivaldi once wrote a classical four-piece suite called the 'The Four Seasons'.  Melbourne folk artist, Packwood, seems to be competing with his own take, complete with orchestral instrumentation. His upcoming album Vertumnus is currently being released in four parts, each part released on the first day of a new season. 'Obstinate' is the lead single from Hibernal, the winter section of his album, which at first confused me considering we're in the midst of Spring. But of course, Aussie seasons are different to that of the northern hemisphere.

‘Testyear’ - Five Star Hotel

Tagged ‘JpegGraveyard’, this obscure Soundcloud find merges spooky synths and over-compressed trap drums to create an eerie cacophany. It’s like staring into digital hell. The drop at 1:23 is earth-shattering.

‘Stranger’ - Active Child

Indie electronic producer and singer, Pat Grossi (AKA Active Child), delivers his signature choir-like falsettos over angelic arpeggiated synth harps. Quite the contrast to the last track, this is digital heaven.


'Fd Up' - Yung Lean ft. Thaiboy Digital

The Swedish rapper's overuse of autotune and complete lack of energy is made even less charming by the line: 'my future's looking brighter than my urine test.' 

'Pretty Girls' - Iggy Azalea ft. Britney Spears

Australian-American hip hop artist, Iggy Azalea, switches from singing about how fancy she is to singing about how pretty she is. The result is a failed attempt at Fancy 2.0 that's far too similar to its predecessor (even the synth riff feels like an imitation). Pop icon, Britney Spears, meanwhile tries to fill the gap of Charli XCX, but fails to prove her relevance.

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